
Impact Bond Name - (Value)Reducing Homelessness among the Most Vulnerable Young People - Denmark
Stage of Development - (Value)Implementation
Stage of Development - (Source ID's)source1
Dates - Date outcomes contract signed - (Value)2020-12
Dates - Start date of service provision - (Value)2021-12
Dates - Anticipated end date of service provision - (Value)2024-12
Overall project finance - Total investment commitment - Currency - (Value)DKK
Overall project finance - Total investment commitment - Amount - Exact - (Value)15900000
Overall project finance - Total investment commitment - Amount USD - Exact - (Value)2412746.585735964
Overall project finance - (Source ID's)source1
Purpose and classifications - Social challenge - (Value)Homelessness
Purpose and classifications - Intervention - (Value)The intervention is targeting the most vulnerable young homeless people in Aarhus Municipality. The goal is for the young people to move away from hostels and into their own accommodation, and for them to get closer to starting (or start) employment or education. At the same time, the goal is to increase the young people's life skills - so that in the long term they will be able to achieve self-efficacy. The young people who take part in the project must be offered an intensive, comprehensive, and flexible intervention, which has the character of a preventive effort in relation to the development of chronic homelessness or further worsening of current challenges.
Purpose and classifications - Policy sector - (Value)Homelessness
Purpose and classifications - (Source ID's)source1
Service and beneficiaries - Target population - (Value)Homeless young people
Service and beneficiaries - Targeted number of unique service users or beneficiaries (total) - (Value)36
Service and beneficiaries - Unit type of targeted service users or beneficiaries - (Value)Individual
Service and beneficiaries - (Source ID's)source1
Delivery Locations 1: Service Provision ID - (Value)deliverylocation1
Delivery Locations 1: Location - Name - (Value)Aarhus
Delivery Locations 1: Location - Country - (Value)DK
Delivery Locations 1: Lat/Lng - Lat - (Value)56.1629
Delivery Locations 1: Lat/Lng - Lng - (Value)10.2039
Sources 1: Idsource1
Sources 1: Name - (Value)Email correspondence with Den Sociale Investeringsfond (The Danish Social Investment Fund) on 24 october 2022.
Sources 1: Type - (Value)Email correspondence
Sources 1: NotesSIB Data submission form filled by Denmark organization, Den Sociale Investeringsfond
Sources 2: Idsource2
Sources 2: Name - (Value)Article:
Sources 2: Type - (Value)Website
Sources 2: Publishing Organisations - (Value)Den Sociale Investeringsfond (The Danish Social Investment Fund)
Service Provisions 1: Idserviceprovision1
Service Provisions 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-1410
Service Provisions 1: Organisation Role Category - (Value)Government/Public Sector/Public Bank
Outcome Payment Commitments 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-1410
Outcome Payment Commitments 1: Organisation Role Category - (Value)Government/Public Sector/Public Bank
Investments 1: Idinvestment1
Investments 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-1411
Investments 1: Organisation Role Category - (Value)Investment Fund
Outcome Metrics 1: Idoutcomemetric1
Outcome Metrics 1: Outcome Definition - (Value)Housing situation: The young person has a stable housing situation. In practice, it is operationalized by making sure that the young person does not use homeless shelters.
Outcome Metrics 1: Targeted number of service users Or beneficiaries (total) - (Value)36
Outcome Metrics 1: Unit type of targeted Service users or beneficiaries - (Value)Individual
Outcome Metrics 1: Outcome metric target - (Value)Housing situation: The young person has a stable housing situation. In practice, it is operationalized by making sure that the young person does not use homeless shelters.
Outcome Metrics 2: Idoutcomemetric2
Outcome Metrics 2: Outcome Definition - (Value)Labor market situation: The young person becomes more attached to either education or the labor market. Employment is measured as the young person having been registered with an employment rate of at least 25% in the previous 6-month period, and greater attachment to education is measured as enrolment and study activity in a SU-eligible (state education grant eligible) education
Outcome Metrics 2: Unit type of targeted Service users or beneficiaries - (Value)Individual
Outcome Metrics 2: Outcome metric target - (Value)Labor market situation: The young person becomes more attached to either education or the labor market. Employment is measured as the young person having been registered with an employment rate of at least 25% in the previous 6-month period, and greater attachment to education is measured as enrolment and study activity in a SU-eligible (state education grant eligible) education
Outcome Metrics 3: Idoutcomemetric3
Outcome Metrics 3: Outcome Definition - (Value) Self-efficacy: The young person experiences increased well-being, desire and ability. Measured as progression in the young person's action plan in the municipality.
Outcome Metrics 3: Unit type of targeted Service users or beneficiaries - (Value)Individual
Outcome Metrics 3: Outcome metric target - (Value) Self-efficacy: The young person experiences increased well-being, desire and ability. Measured as progression in the young person's action plan in the municipality.

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