ID | INDIGO-POJ-0143 |
Impact Bond Name - (Value) | New Horizons (Career Connect) |
Stage of Development - (Value) | Complete |
Stage of Development - (Source ID's) | source18 |
Dates - Start date of service provision - (Value) | 2012-04 |
Dates - (Source ID's) | source2 |
Overall project finance - Total investment commitment - Currency - (Value) | GBP |
Overall project finance - Total investment commitment - Amount - Exact - (Value) | 1500000 |
Overall project finance - Total investment commitment - Amount USD - Exact - (Value) | 2369492.354 |
Overall project finance - Total outcome payments made - Currency - (Value) | GBP |
Overall project finance - Total outcome payments made - Amount - (Value) | 4504011 |
Overall project finance - Total outcome payments made - Amount USD - (Value) | 7114813.085 |
Purpose and classifications - Intervention - (Value) | The IF pilot projects aim to prevent young people from becoming NEET, or support those already NEET to re-engage with education, training and employment. Interventions display a wide diversity in terms of participant age range, in and out of school provision and the balance between one to one and group work. Some programmes are built around participation on a structured programme or course. Despite these differences, there are also commonalities between projects including: time spent on initial marketing, recruitment and engagement; an intense initial process of working with each participant to achieve a positive shift in ‘mind-set’; a more extended period of personal and skills development and the encouragement of mental resilience in dealing with challenges and difficulties faced; and an ongoing process of goal setting and progression facilitation. The intervention was delivered through a range of Resilience Coaching Programmes, which includes the use of an online ‘Mental Toughness’ diagnostic tool. Once assessed, the young people received one-on-one resilience coaching focusing on the particular challenges faced by each young person (as identified through the Mental Toughness assessment). |
Purpose and classifications - Policy sector - (Value) | Employment and training |
Purpose and classifications - (Source ID's) | source8,source2 |
Service and beneficiaries - Target population - (Value) | Eligible ‘not in education, employment or training’ (NEET) clients from Connexions Customer Information Service (CCIS) database (14 - 24 years of age). Young people with learning difficulties, care leavers, young offenders. |
Service and beneficiaries - Actual number of unique service users or beneficiaries engaged (total) - (Value) | 4222 |
Service and beneficiaries - Unit type of actual service users or beneficiaries engaged - (Value) | Individual |
Service and beneficiaries - (Source ID's) | source2 |
Notes - (Value) | Referral Route: Referrals from Youth Offending Team, Leaving Care Teams and Registered Social Landlords. Additional assessments: Qualitative assessments of early implementation (2014) and delivery in the final year of operation (2016) were carried out to identify, for project partners, the key issues that the pilot projects have encountered in their first years, as well as assess how effectively the pilots have operated after three years of delivery. Furthermore, impact evaluation was carried out using survey and administrative participant data against a matched sample of non-participants to determine the Social Return on Investment (2018). |
Outcome Funds 1: Id | INDIGO-FUND-0002 |
Delivery Locations 1: Service Provision ID - (Value) | deliverylocation1 |
Delivery Locations 1: Location - Name - (Value) | Greater Merseyside, North West |
Delivery Locations 1: Location - Country - (Value) | GB |
Delivery Locations 1: Lat/Lng - Lat - (Value) | 53.406159 |
Delivery Locations 1: Lat/Lng - Lng - (Value) | -3.019647 |
Sources 1: Id | source1 |
Sources 1: Name - (Value) | Qualitative evaluation of the DWP Innovation Fund: Final report (DWP, 2016) Appendix B |
Sources 2: Id | source2 |
Sources 2: Name - (Value) | Qualitative evaluation of the DWP Innovation Fund: Final report (DWP, 2016) |
Sources 3: Id | source3 |
Sources 3: Name - (Value) | Better Outcomes Better Values (Bridges Ventures, 2016) |
Sources 4: Id | source4 |
Sources 4: Name - (Value) | Career Connect website |
Sources 5: Id | source5 |
Sources 5: Name - (Value) | Own calculation, based on "bid price" and "outcomes achieved" figures in Better Outcomes Better Values (Bridges Ventures, 2016) |
Sources 6: Id | source6 |
Sources 6: Name - (Value) | Bridges Website ( |
Sources 7: Id | source7 |
Sources 7: Name - (Value) | Social Finance Impact Bond Global Database: |
Sources 8: Id | source8 |
Sources 8: Name - (Value) | Innovation Fund Pilots Qualitative Evaluation: Early implementation Findings (DWP, 2014) and Better Outcomes Better Values (Bridges Ventures, 2016) |
Sources 9: Id | source9 |
Sources 9: Name - (Value) | Qualitative evaluation of the DWP Innovation Fund: Final report (DWP, 2016) Appendix A |
Sources 10: Id | source10 |
Sources 10: Name - (Value) | The Innovation Fund Invitation to Tender: Specification and Supporting Information (Annex 3) |
Sources 11: Id | source11 |
Sources 11: Name - (Value) | Own calculation, based on Better Outcomes Better Values (Bridges Ventures, 2016) |
Sources 12: Id | source12 |
Sources 12: Name - (Value) | Innovation Fund Pilots Qualitative Evaluation: Early implementation Findings (DWP, 2014) - p.17; Qualitative evaluation of the DWP Innovation Fund: Final report (DWP, 2016) - p. 17; Evaluation of the Innovation Fund pilot: Quantitative Assessment of Impact and Social Return on Investment (09/2018) - p.14 |
Sources 13: Id | source13 |
Sources 13: Name - (Value) | Email exchange with Bridges Fund Management on 2/2/2022. |
Sources 14: Id | sourcehackandlearn2021-08 |
Sources 14: Name - (Value) | Hack and Learn - August 2021 |
Sources 15: Id | source14 |
Sources 15: Name - (Value) | Email exchange with Bridges Outcomes Partnership (02/23) |
Sources 15: Type - (Value) | Email correspondence |
Sources 16: Id | source15 |
Sources 16: Name - (Value) | DWP Rate Card - Ukgov website |
Sources 16: Type - (Value) | Website |
Sources 16: URL - (Value) | |
Sources 17: Id | source16 |
Sources 17: Name - (Value) | Outcomes rate card |
Sources 17: Type - (Value) | Website |
Sources 17: URL - (Value) | |
Sources 18: Id | source17 |
Sources 18: Name - (Value) | Qualitative evaluation of the DWP Innovation Fund: Final report |
Sources 18: Type - (Value) | Evaluation report |
Sources 18: Publishing Organisations - (Value) | Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) |
Sources 18: URL - (Value) | |
Sources 19: Id | source18 |
Sources 19: Name - (Value) | Quantitative assessment of impact and social return on investment (Evaluation of the Innovation Fund pilot) |
Sources 19: Type - (Value) | Evaluation report |
Sources 19: Publishing Organisations - (Value) | Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) |
Sources 19: URL - (Value) | |
Service Provisions 1: Id | serviceprovision1 |
Service Provisions 1: Organisation ID - (Value) | INDIGO-ORG-0045 |
Outcome Payment Commitments 1: Organisation ID - (Value) | INDIGO-ORG-0047 |
Outcome Payment Commitments 1: Organisation Role Category - (Value) | Government/Public Sector/Public Bank |
Outcome Payment Commitments 1: Total outcome payments made - Currency - (Value) | GBP |
Outcome Payment Commitments 1: Total outcome payments made - Amount - (Value) | 4504011 |
Investments 1: Id | investment1 |
Investments 1: Organisation ID - (Value) | INDIGO-ORG-0049 |
Investments 2: Id | investment2 |
Investments 2: Organisation ID - (Value) | INDIGO-ORG-1304 |
Investments 3: Id | investment3 |
Investments 3: Organisation ID - (Value) | INDIGO-ORG-1295 |
Investments 4: Id | investment4 |
Investments 4: Organisation ID - (Value) | INDIGO-ORG-0268 |
Investments 5: Id | investment5 |
Investments 5: Organisation ID - (Value) | INDIGO-ORG-1305 |
Intermediary services 1: Organisation ID - (Value) | INDIGO-ORG-0002 |
Intermediary services 2: Organisation ID - (Value) | INDIGO-ORG-0121 |
Intermediary services 2: Organisation Role Category - (Value) | Other |
Intermediary services 2: Other Role Description - (Value) | Fund Management |
Outcome Metrics 1: Id | outcomemetric1 |
Outcome Metrics 1: Outcome Definition - (Value) | Improved school behaviour. Poor behaviour at school can be defined as those “whose behaviour is unacceptable, who break school rules or who fail to follow a reasonable instruction (Section 91 of Education and Inspection Act 2006)”. Students who have a pattern of this behaviour have to decrease this significantly. The improvement has to be demonstrated for a minimum of 13 continuous weeks (not withstanding school holidays) to generate an outcome payment. Confirmation letter from school/teacher/home tutor. |
Outcome Metrics 1: Targeted number of service users Or beneficiaries (total) - (Value) | 3928 |
Outcome Metrics 1: Primary SDG goal - (Value) | 4 |
Outcome Metrics 1: Primary SDG target - (Value) | 4.1 |
Outcome Metrics 1: Secondary SDG targets - (Value) | 4.2 |
Outcome Metrics 2: Id | outcomemetric2 |
Outcome Metrics 2: Outcome Definition - (Value) | Improved school attendance ‘Persistent truancy’ means deliberate absence for days or weeks at a time. This has to decrease to attendance levels associated with the average student. The improvement has to be demonstrated for a minimum of 13 continuous weeks (not withstanding school holidays) to generate an outcome payment. Confirmation letter from school/teacher/home tutor. Copy of Attendance Record |
Outcome Metrics 2: Primary SDG goal - (Value) | 4 |
Outcome Metrics 2: Primary SDG target - (Value) | 4.1 |
Outcome Metrics 2: Secondary SDG targets - (Value) | 4.2 |
Outcome Metrics 3: Id | outcomemetric3 |
Outcome Metrics 3: Outcome Definition - (Value) | First Level 1 NQF qualification At least one GCSE passes (or NQF Level 1): -BTEC Introductory diplomas and certificates -OCR Nationals Level 1 and 2 -Key skill level 1 -NVQ at level 1 -Skills for Life at Level 1 Confirmation from school or copy of certificate |
Outcome Metrics 3: Primary SDG goal - (Value) | 4 |
Outcome Metrics 3: Primary SDG target - (Value) | 4.1 |
Outcome Metrics 4: Id | outcomemetric4 |
Outcome Metrics 4: Outcome Definition - (Value) | First Level 2 NQF qualification Achievements in the following qualifications are counted as full Level 2: • 5 full GCSE/iGCSE at grade A* to C • 2 AS level (including VCE) at grade A to E • 1 A/A2 level (including VCE) at grade A to E • 1 NVQ/full VRQ* pass at Level 2 or higher • 1 International Baccalaureate pass (* more than 325 guided learning hours) Confirmation from school or copy of certificate |
Outcome Metrics 4: Primary SDG goal - (Value) | 4 |
Outcome Metrics 4: Primary SDG target - (Value) | 4.1 |
Outcome Metrics 5: Id | outcomemetric5 |
Outcome Metrics 5: Outcome Definition - (Value) | First Level 3 NQF qualification Achievements in the following qualifications are counted at Level 3 : • 4 AS level (including VCE) at grade A to E • 2 A/A2 level (including VCE) at grade A to E • 1 NVQ/full VRQ* pass at Level 3 or higher % • 1 International Baccalaureate pass % • 2 Pre-U Principal Subject or 4 Pre-U Short Course Subjects (* more than 595 guided learning hours) Copy of registration form/copy of certificate showing achievement and/or course completion |
Outcome Metrics 5: Primary SDG goal - (Value) | 4 |
Outcome Metrics 5: Primary SDG target - (Value) | 4.4 |
Outcome Metrics 6: Id | outcomemetric6 |
Outcome Metrics 6: Outcome Definition - (Value) | First Level 4 NQF qualification or above Entry into post-18 higher or further education, including university. The improvement has to be demonstrated for a minimum of 13 continuous weeks (not withstanding holidays) to generate an outcome payment. Copy of registration certificate and confirmation from university/college |
Outcome Metrics 6: Primary SDG goal - (Value) | 4 |
Outcome Metrics 6: Primary SDG target - (Value) | 4.4 |
Outcome Metrics 7: Id | outcomemetric7 |
Outcome Metrics 7: Outcome Definition - (Value) | English for speakers of other languages Completion of English as a Second Language Course with a minimum of a pass grade Copy of certificate |
Outcome Metrics 8: Id | outcomemetric8 |
Outcome Metrics 8: Outcome Definition - (Value) | Entry to first employment (13 weeks) Entry into employment of 16 hours or more. For under 18’s this includes a training element. A training element is defined as at least 280 guided learning hours per year. This needs to have lasted for a minimum of 13 continuous or cumulative weeks in order for it to generate an outcome payment. Self-employment is also included. • This period begins to accrue from and including the job start date. • A person must be in employment and off-benefit Self employment is a person who is gainfully employed 1) in Great Britain and 2) in employment that is not employed earners employment Confirmation letter from employer. Self-Employment job outcomes will need to be supported by a letter from a recognised business start up organisation which must include a business plan or evidence of trading that is clearly linked to the company and be proportionate to the business. |
Outcome Metrics 9: Id | outcomemetric9 |
Outcome Metrics 9: Outcome Definition - (Value) | Entry to first employment (26 weeks) Sustained employment is where a customer has been in employment and off benefit for a total of 26 weeks: and specifically where •a Job Outcome payment has been paid; and •thirteen continuous weeks in employment have elapsed between the Job Outcome payment date Confirmation letter from employer. Self-Employment job outcomes will need to be supported by a letter from a recognised business start up organisation which must include a business plan or evidence of trading that is clearly linked to the company and be proportionate to the business. |
Outcome Pricings 1: Outcome Metric Id - (Value) | outcomemetric1 |
Outcome Pricings 1: Currency - (Value) | GBP |
Outcome Pricings 1: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value) | 1300 |
Outcome Pricings 1: Price Per Unit - Amount USD - (Value) | 949 |
Outcome Pricings 1: Notes | The maximum amount payable per individual is 8,200 for the first round of Innovation Fund projects, and 11,700 GBP for the second round of Innovation Fund Projects. |
Outcome Pricings 2: Outcome Metric Id - (Value) | outcomemetric2 |
Outcome Pricings 2: Currency - (Value) | GBP |
Outcome Pricings 2: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value) | 800 |
Outcome Pricings 2: Price Per Unit - Amount USD - (Value) | 584 |
Outcome Pricings 2: Notes | The maximum amount payable per individual is 8,200 for the first round of Innovation Fund projects, and 11,700 GBP for the second round of Innovation Fund Projects. |
Outcome Pricings 3: Outcome Metric Id - (Value) | outcomemetric3 |
Outcome Pricings 3: Currency - (Value) | GBP |
Outcome Pricings 3: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value) | 700 |
Outcome Pricings 3: Price Per Unit - Amount USD - (Value) | 511 |
Outcome Pricings 3: Notes | The maximum amount payable per individual is 8,200 for the first round of Innovation Fund projects, and 11,700 GBP for the second round of Innovation Fund Projects. |
Outcome Pricings 4: Outcome Metric Id - (Value) | outcomemetric4 |
Outcome Pricings 4: Currency - (Value) | GBP |
Outcome Pricings 4: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value) | 2200 |
Outcome Pricings 4: Price Per Unit - Amount USD - (Value) | 1606 |
Outcome Pricings 4: Notes | The maximum amount payable per individual is 8,200 for the first round of Innovation Fund projects, and 11,700 GBP for the second round of Innovation Fund Projects. |
Outcome Pricings 5: Outcome Metric Id - (Value) | outcomemetric5 |
Outcome Pricings 5: Currency - (Value) | GBP |
Outcome Pricings 5: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value) | 3300 |
Outcome Pricings 5: Price Per Unit - Amount USD - (Value) | 2409 |
Outcome Pricings 5: Notes | The maximum amount payable per individual is 8,200 for the first round of Innovation Fund projects, and 11,700 GBP for the second round of Innovation Fund Projects. |
Outcome Pricings 6: Outcome Metric Id - (Value) | outcomemetric6 |
Outcome Pricings 6: Currency - (Value) | GBP |
Outcome Pricings 6: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value) | 2000 |
Outcome Pricings 6: Price Per Unit - Amount USD - (Value) | 1460 |
Outcome Pricings 6: Notes | The maximum amount payable per individual is 8,200 for the first round of Innovation Fund projects, and 11,700 GBP for the second round of Innovation Fund Projects. |
Outcome Pricings 7: Outcome Metric Id - (Value) | outcomemetric7 |
Outcome Pricings 7: Currency - (Value) | GBP |
Outcome Pricings 7: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value) | 1200 |
Outcome Pricings 7: Price Per Unit - Amount USD - (Value) | 876 |
Outcome Pricings 7: Notes | The maximum amount payable per individual is 8,200 for the first round of Innovation Fund projects, and 11,700 GBP for the second round of Innovation Fund Projects. |
Outcome Pricings 8: Outcome Metric Id - (Value) | outcomemetric8 |
Outcome Pricings 8: Currency - (Value) | GBP |
Outcome Pricings 8: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value) | 2600 |
Outcome Pricings 8: Price Per Unit - Amount USD - (Value) | 1898 |
Outcome Pricings 8: Notes | The maximum amount payable per individual is 8,200 for the first round of Innovation Fund projects, and 11,700 GBP for the second round of Innovation Fund Projects. |
Outcome Pricings 9: Outcome Metric Id - (Value) | outcomemetric9 |
Outcome Pricings 9: Currency - (Value) | GBP |
Outcome Pricings 9: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value) | 1000 |
Outcome Pricings 9: Price Per Unit - Amount USD - (Value) | 730 |
Outcome Pricings 9: Notes | The maximum amount payable per individual is 8,200 for the first round of Innovation Fund projects, and 11,700 GBP for the second round of Innovation Fund Projects. |
Results 1: Result level - (Value) | Project level |
Results 1: Result type - (Value) | Final |
Results 1: Period - Start - (Value) | 2012-04 |
Results 1: Period - End - (Value) | 2015-04 |
Results 1: Outcomes achieved - (Value) | According to the Qualitative Evaluation of the Innovation Fund projects, projects considered themselves to have broadly succeeded in what they originally set out to do, in terms of meeting, or exceeding, outcomes targets, remaining financially viable and repaying investments. There was also a strongly expressed conviction that positive social impact was being achieved with young people; a conviction supported by the testimony of young people themselves. |
Results 1: Evaluation Documents - (Value) | source17 |
Results 1: Notes | The Innovation Fund projects were evaluated as one pilot project. The data on the Quantitative and Qualitative evaluation reports is not at the project level, but the group level (the whole pilot). |
Results 2: Result level - (Value) | Project level |
Results 2: Result type - (Value) | Final |
Results 2: Period - Start - (Value) | 2012-04 |
Results 2: Period - End - (Value) | 2015-04 |
Results 2: Outcomes achieved - (Value) | According to the Quantitative Evaluation of the Innovation Fund projects, the IF pilot has produced positive effects on participants, allowing them to achieve low-level qualifcations. However, it seems likely that the programme did not support young people in attaining higher-level qualifcations as expected, possibly refecting delivery challenges faced by projects in supporting individuals with disadvantaged backgrounds. |
Results 2: Evaluation Documents - (Value) | source18 |
Results 2: Notes | The Innovation Fund projects were evaluated as one pilot project. The data on the Quantitative and Qualitative evaluation reports is not at the project level, but the group level (the whole pilot). |
Documents 1: Title - (Value) | Evaluation of the Innovation Fund pilot: Quantitative assessment of impact and social return on investment |
Documents 1: URL - (Value) | |
Documents 2: Title - (Value) | Evaluation of the Innovation Fund pilot: Qualitative evaluation of the DWP Innovation Fund |
Documents 2: URL - (Value) | |