
Impact Bond Name - (Value)Project Apollo
Alternative Names - (Value)Care Leavers SIB in Sheffield
Stage of Development - (Value)Complete
Stage of Development - (Source ID's)source11
Dates - Start date of service provision - (Value)2018-10
Dates - Actual end date of service provision - (Value)2022-03
Dates - (Source ID's)source1,source11
Purpose and classifications - Social challenge - (Value)The projects supported young people who were leaving care, who had left care and who were not in education, employment or training (NEET), or who were at risk of becoming NEET
Purpose and classifications - Intervention - (Value)The project helps young people towards a brighter future with careers guidance, help applying for opportunities, work experience, practical careers advice and barrier-busting long-term support. Dedicated Transition Coaches work closely with the Leaving Care Service to provide tailored support to each young person on the programme, guiding them in to education, employment and training and supporting them. The use of speech, language and communication needs screening alongside the expertise of the transition coaches to particularly focus on EET outcomes is an innovative intervention that has not been attempted before. As part of the screening process each young person goes through a speech, language and communication needs assessment, and is referred to a speech & language therapist if required. The transitions coach is trained to screen and refer to specialist services.
Purpose and classifications - Policy sector - (Value)Child and family welfare
Purpose and classifications - (Source ID's)source8,source2
Service and beneficiaries - Target population - (Value)The programme will be working with 100 care leavers aged between 16 and 21 who are NEET, at risk of becoming NEET and those who are termed ‘unavailable’.
Service and beneficiaries - Targeted number of unique service users or beneficiaries (total) - (Value)100
Service and beneficiaries - Unit type of targeted service users or beneficiaries - (Value)Individual
Service and beneficiaries - Actual number of unique service users or beneficiaries engaged (total) - (Value)131
Service and beneficiaries - Unit type of actual service users or beneficiaries engaged - (Value)Individual
Service and beneficiaries - (Source ID's)source7,source11
Outcome Funds 1: IdINDIGO-FUND-0013
Delivery Locations 1: Service Provision ID - (Value)deliverylocation1
Delivery Locations 1: Location - Name - (Value)Sheffield, South Yorkshire
Delivery Locations 1: Location - Country - (Value)GB
Delivery Locations 1: Lat/Lng - Lat - (Value)53.387302
Delivery Locations 1: Lat/Lng - Lng - (Value)-1.466871
Sources 1: Idsource1
Sources 1: Name - (Value)Sheffield Futures website, accessed on 22 Aug 2019): Early success for Project Apollo – supporting care leavers into education, employment & training
Sources 2: Idsource2
Sources 2: Name - (Value)(Sheffield City Council, 2018): Project Apollo – Supporting NEET Care Leavers (Contract Award) Page 6
Sources 3: Idsource3
Sources 3: Name - (Value)(Sheffield City Council, 2018): Project Apollo – Supporting NEET Care Leavers (Contract Award)
Sources 4: Idsource4
Sources 4: Name - (Value)Sheffield Futures website, accessed on 22 Aug 2019): Project Apollo launches to support care leavers to move in to education, work and training
Sources 5: Idsource5
Sources 5: Name - (Value)(Sheffield City Council, 2018): Project Apollo – Supporting NEET Care Leavers (Contract Award) Page 2
Sources 6: Idsource6
Sources 6: Name - (Value)(Sheffield City Council, 2018): Project Apollo – Supporting NEET Care Leavers (Contract Award) Page 10
Sources 7: Idsource7
Sources 7: Name - (Value)Sheffield City Council website (accessed on 20 Aug 2019): Project Apollo – Supporting NEET Care Leavers (Contract Award) Page 6
Sources 8: Idsource8
Sources 8: Name - (Value)(Sheffield City Council, 2018): Project Apollo – Supporting NEET Care Leavers (Contract Award) Pages 6-7
Sources 9: Idsource9
Sources 9: Name - (Value)(Sheffield City Council, 2018): Project Apollo – Supporting NEET Care Leavers (Contract Award) Page 12
Sources 10: Idsourcehackandlearn2021-08
Sources 10: Name - (Value)Hack and Learn - August 2021
Sources 11: Idsource11
Sources 11: Name - (Value)Evaluation of the Care Leavers Social Impact Bond (SIB) programme
Sources 11: Type - (Value)Report
Sources 11: URL - (Value)
Service Provisions 1: Idserviceprovision1
Service Provisions 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0001
Outcome Payment Commitments 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0123
Outcome Payment Commitments 1: Maximum potential Outcome payment - Amount - (Value)1083550
Outcome Payment Commitments 2: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0006
Investments 1: Idinvestment1
Investments 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0008
Investments 2: Idinvestment2
Investments 2: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0001
Outcome Metrics 1: Idoutcomemetric1
Outcome Metrics 1: Outcome Definition - (Value)Agrees education/training is right for them
Outcome Metrics 1: Policy sector - (Value)Child and family welfare
Outcome Metrics 1: Primary SDG goal - (Value)4
Outcome Metrics 1: Primary SDG target - (Value)4.4
Outcome Metrics 1: NotesStability and wellbeing
Outcome Metrics 2: Idoutcomemetric2
Outcome Metrics 2: Outcome Definition - (Value)Has at least 1 consistent relationship
Outcome Metrics 2: Policy sector - (Value)Child and family welfare
Outcome Metrics 2: Primary SDG goal - (Value)4
Outcome Metrics 2: Primary SDG target - (Value)4.4
Outcome Metrics 2: NotesStability and wellbeing
Outcome Metrics 3: Idoutcomemetric3
Outcome Metrics 3: Outcome Definition - (Value)Feels safe
Outcome Metrics 3: Policy sector - (Value)Child and family welfare
Outcome Metrics 3: Primary SDG goal - (Value)4
Outcome Metrics 3: Primary SDG target - (Value)4.4
Outcome Metrics 3: NotesStability and wellbeing
Outcome Metrics 4: Idoutcomemetric4
Outcome Metrics 4: Outcome Definition - (Value)Managing accommodation and costs
Outcome Metrics 4: Policy sector - (Value)Child and family welfare
Outcome Metrics 4: Primary SDG goal - (Value)4
Outcome Metrics 4: Primary SDG target - (Value)4.4
Outcome Metrics 4: NotesStability and wellbeing
Outcome Metrics 5: Idoutcomemetric5
Outcome Metrics 5: Outcome Definition - (Value)Self-determined outcome / SLN screening / Money managemen
Outcome Metrics 5: Policy sector - (Value)Child and family welfare
Outcome Metrics 5: Primary SDG goal - (Value)4
Outcome Metrics 5: Primary SDG target - (Value)4.4
Outcome Metrics 5: NotesStability and wellbeing
Outcome Metrics 6: Idoutcomemetric6
Outcome Metrics 6: Outcome Definition - (Value)Begins education/training course
Outcome Metrics 6: Policy sector - (Value)Education
Outcome Metrics 6: Primary SDG goal - (Value)4
Outcome Metrics 6: Primary SDG target - (Value)4.4
Outcome Metrics 6: NotesEducation and Training
Outcome Metrics 7: Idoutcomemetric1
Outcome Metrics 7: Outcome Definition - (Value)Completes 25% of course
Outcome Metrics 7: Policy sector - (Value)Education
Outcome Metrics 7: Primary SDG goal - (Value)4
Outcome Metrics 7: Primary SDG target - (Value)4.4
Outcome Metrics 7: NotesEducation and Training
Outcome Metrics 8: Idoutcomemetric2
Outcome Metrics 8: Outcome Definition - (Value)Completes 50% of course
Outcome Metrics 8: Policy sector - (Value)Education
Outcome Metrics 8: Primary SDG goal - (Value)4
Outcome Metrics 8: Primary SDG target - (Value)4.4
Outcome Metrics 8: NotesEducation and Training
Outcome Metrics 9: Idoutcomemetric3
Outcome Metrics 9: Outcome Definition - (Value)Obtains level 1 qualification
Outcome Metrics 9: Policy sector - (Value)Education
Outcome Metrics 9: Primary SDG goal - (Value)4
Outcome Metrics 9: Primary SDG target - (Value)4.4
Outcome Metrics 9: NotesEducation and Training
Outcome Metrics 10: Idoutcomemetric4
Outcome Metrics 10: Outcome Definition - (Value)Obtains level 2 qualification
Outcome Metrics 10: Policy sector - (Value)Education
Outcome Metrics 10: Primary SDG goal - (Value)4
Outcome Metrics 10: Primary SDG target - (Value)4.4
Outcome Metrics 10: NotesEducation and Training
Outcome Metrics 11: Idoutcomemetric5
Outcome Metrics 11: Outcome Definition - (Value)Obtains level 3 qualification
Outcome Metrics 11: Policy sector - (Value)Education
Outcome Metrics 11: Primary SDG goal - (Value)4
Outcome Metrics 11: Primary SDG target - (Value)4.4
Outcome Metrics 11: NotesEducation and Training
Outcome Metrics 12: Idoutcomemetric6
Outcome Metrics 12: Outcome Definition - (Value)Begins higher education
Outcome Metrics 12: Policy sector - (Value)Education
Outcome Metrics 12: Primary SDG goal - (Value)4
Outcome Metrics 12: Primary SDG target - (Value)4.4
Outcome Metrics 12: NotesEducation and Training
Outcome Metrics 13: Idoutcomemetric7
Outcome Metrics 13: Outcome Definition - (Value)Completes 1 year of higher education
Outcome Metrics 13: Policy sector - (Value)Education
Outcome Metrics 13: Primary SDG goal - (Value)4
Outcome Metrics 13: Primary SDG target - (Value)4.4
Outcome Metrics 13: NotesEducation and Training
Outcome Metrics 14: Idoutcomemetric8
Outcome Metrics 14: Outcome Definition - (Value)Completes 2 years of higher education
Outcome Metrics 14: Policy sector - (Value)Education
Outcome Metrics 14: Primary SDG goal - (Value)4
Outcome Metrics 14: Primary SDG target - (Value)4.4
Outcome Metrics 14: NotesEducation and Training
Outcome Metrics 15: Idoutcomemetric9
Outcome Metrics 15: Outcome Definition - (Value)Completes higher education course
Outcome Metrics 15: Policy sector - (Value)Education
Outcome Metrics 15: Primary SDG goal - (Value)4
Outcome Metrics 15: Primary SDG target - (Value)4.4
Outcome Metrics 15: NotesEducation and Training
Outcome Metrics 16: Idoutcomemetric10
Outcome Metrics 16: Outcome Definition - (Value)Enters work experience / volunteering
Outcome Metrics 16: Policy sector - (Value)Employment and training
Outcome Metrics 16: Primary SDG goal - (Value)8
Outcome Metrics 16: Primary SDG target - (Value)8.5
Outcome Metrics 16: NotesWork experience
Outcome Metrics 17: Idoutcomemetric11
Outcome Metrics 17: Outcome Definition - (Value)Completes 1 week of work Experience / volunteering
Outcome Metrics 17: Policy sector - (Value)Employment and training
Outcome Metrics 17: Primary SDG goal - (Value)8
Outcome Metrics 17: Primary SDG target - (Value)8.5
Outcome Metrics 17: NotesWork experience
Outcome Metrics 18: Idoutcomemetric12
Outcome Metrics 18: Outcome Definition - (Value)Completes 4 weeks of work Experience / volunteering
Outcome Metrics 18: Policy sector - (Value)Employment and training
Outcome Metrics 18: Primary SDG goal - (Value)8
Outcome Metrics 18: Primary SDG target - (Value)8.5
Outcome Metrics 18: NotesWork experience
Outcome Metrics 19: Idoutcomemetric13
Outcome Metrics 19: Outcome Definition - (Value)Enters employment
Outcome Metrics 19: Policy sector - (Value)Employment and training
Outcome Metrics 19: Primary SDG goal - (Value)8
Outcome Metrics 19: Primary SDG target - (Value)8.5
Outcome Metrics 19: NotesEmployment
Outcome Metrics 20: Idoutcomemetric14
Outcome Metrics 20: Outcome Definition - (Value)Earns £768
Outcome Metrics 20: Policy sector - (Value)Employment and training
Outcome Metrics 20: Primary SDG goal - (Value)8
Outcome Metrics 20: Primary SDG target - (Value)8.5
Outcome Metrics 20: NotesEmployment
Outcome Metrics 21: Idoutcomemetric15
Outcome Metrics 21: Outcome Definition - (Value)Earns £1631
Outcome Metrics 21: Policy sector - (Value)Employment and training
Outcome Metrics 21: Primary SDG goal - (Value)8
Outcome Metrics 21: Primary SDG target - (Value)8.5
Outcome Metrics 21: NotesEmployment
Outcome Metrics 22: Idoutcomemetric16
Outcome Metrics 22: Outcome Definition - (Value)Earns £3350
Outcome Metrics 22: Policy sector - (Value)Employment and training
Outcome Metrics 22: Primary SDG goal - (Value)8
Outcome Metrics 22: Primary SDG target - (Value)8.5
Outcome Metrics 22: NotesEmployment
Outcome Metrics 23: Idoutcomemetric17
Outcome Metrics 23: Outcome Definition - (Value)Earns £8155
Outcome Metrics 23: Policy sector - (Value)Employment and training
Outcome Metrics 23: Primary SDG goal - (Value)8
Outcome Metrics 23: Primary SDG target - (Value)8.5
Outcome Metrics 23: NotesEmployment
Outcome Pricings 1: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric1
Outcome Pricings 1: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 1: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)220
Outcome Pricings 2: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric2
Outcome Pricings 2: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 2: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)220
Outcome Pricings 3: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric3
Outcome Pricings 3: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 3: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)220
Outcome Pricings 4: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric4
Outcome Pricings 4: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 4: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)220
Outcome Pricings 5: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric5
Outcome Pricings 5: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 5: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)220
Outcome Pricings 6: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric6
Outcome Pricings 6: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 6: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)220
Outcome Pricings 7: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric7
Outcome Pricings 7: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 7: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)220
Outcome Pricings 8: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric8
Outcome Pricings 8: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 8: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)220
Outcome Pricings 9: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric9
Outcome Pricings 9: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 9: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)1760
Outcome Pricings 10: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric10
Outcome Pricings 10: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 10: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)4730
Outcome Pricings 11: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric11
Outcome Pricings 11: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 11: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)4730
Outcome Pricings 12: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric12
Outcome Pricings 12: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 12: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)660
Outcome Pricings 13: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric13
Outcome Pricings 13: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 13: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)2750
Outcome Pricings 14: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric14
Outcome Pricings 14: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 14: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)2750
Outcome Pricings 15: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric15
Outcome Pricings 15: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 15: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)4730
Outcome Pricings 16: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric16
Outcome Pricings 16: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 16: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)110
Outcome Pricings 17: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric17
Outcome Pricings 17: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 17: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)220
Outcome Pricings 18: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric18
Outcome Pricings 18: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 18: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)330
Outcome Pricings 19: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric19
Outcome Pricings 19: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 19: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)660
Outcome Pricings 20: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric20
Outcome Pricings 20: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 20: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)2750
Outcome Pricings 21: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric21
Outcome Pricings 21: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 21: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)2750
Outcome Pricings 22: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric22
Outcome Pricings 22: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 22: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)2750
Outcome Pricings 23: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric23
Outcome Pricings 23: Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Pricings 23: Price Per Unit - Amount - (Value)2750
Results 1: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric1
Results 1: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 1: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 1: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 1: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 1: Outcomes achieved - (Value)103
Results 1: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 2: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric2
Results 2: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 2: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 2: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 2: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 2: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 3: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric3
Results 3: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 3: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 3: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 3: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 3: Outcomes achieved - (Value)91
Results 3: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 4: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric4
Results 4: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 4: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 4: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 4: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 4: Outcomes achieved - (Value)87
Results 4: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 5: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric5
Results 5: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 5: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 5: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 5: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 5: Outcomes achieved - (Value)99
Results 5: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 6: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric6
Results 6: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 6: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 6: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 6: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 6: Outcomes achieved - (Value)53
Results 6: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 7: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric7
Results 7: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 7: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 7: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 7: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 7: Outcomes achieved - (Value)45
Results 7: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 8: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric8
Results 8: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 8: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 8: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 8: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 8: Outcomes achieved - (Value)32
Results 8: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 9: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric9
Results 9: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 9: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 9: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 9: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 9: Outcomes achieved - (Value)17
Results 9: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 10: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric10
Results 10: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 10: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 10: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 10: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 10: Outcomes achieved - (Value)19
Results 10: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 11: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric11
Results 11: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 11: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 11: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 11: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 11: Outcomes achieved - (Value)3
Results 11: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 12: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric12
Results 12: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 12: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 12: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 12: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 12: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 13: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric13
Results 13: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 13: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 13: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 13: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 13: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 14: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric14
Results 14: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 14: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 14: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 14: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 14: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 15: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric15
Results 15: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 15: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 15: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 15: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 15: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 16: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric16
Results 16: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 16: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 16: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 16: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 16: Outcomes achieved - (Value)22
Results 16: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 17: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric17
Results 17: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 17: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 17: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 17: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 17: Outcomes achieved - (Value)21
Results 17: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 18: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric18
Results 18: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 18: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 18: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 18: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 18: Outcomes achieved - (Value)17
Results 18: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 19: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric19
Results 19: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 19: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 19: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 19: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 19: Outcomes achieved - (Value)73
Results 19: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 20: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric20
Results 20: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 20: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 20: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 20: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 20: Outcomes achieved - (Value)64
Results 20: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 21: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric21
Results 21: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 21: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 21: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 21: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 21: Outcomes achieved - (Value)54
Results 21: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 22: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric22
Results 22: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 22: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 22: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 22: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 22: Outcomes achieved - (Value)46
Results 22: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Results 23: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric23
Results 23: Result level - (Value)Outcome level
Results 23: Result type - (Value)Final
Results 23: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Results 23: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Results 23: Outcomes achieved - (Value)33
Results 23: Number engaged In impact bond - (Value)131
Documents 1: Title - (Value)Blog - The voice of the service user - visiting Project Apollo in Sheffield
Documents 1: URL - (Value)
Documents 2: Title - (Value)Evaluation of the Care Leavers Social Impact Bond (SIB) programme
Documents 2: URL - (Value)
Outcome Payment Plans 1: Outcome Payment Plan Id - (Value)plan1
Outcome Payment Plans 1: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Outcome Payment Plans 1: Period - End - (Value)2022-03
Outcome Payments 1: Outcome Payment Plan Id - (Value)plan1
Outcome Payments 1: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric1
Outcome Payments 1: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Outcome Payments 1: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Outcome Payments 1: Type - (Value)Actual
Outcome Payments 1: Payments - Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Payments 1: Payments - Amount - (Value)22660
Outcome Payments 1: Payments - Amount USD - (Value)18354.6
Outcome Payments 2: Outcome Payment Plan Id - (Value)plan1
Outcome Payments 2: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric2
Outcome Payments 2: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Outcome Payments 2: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Outcome Payments 2: Type - (Value)Actual
Outcome Payments 2: Payments - Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Payments 3: Outcome Payment Plan Id - (Value)plan1
Outcome Payments 3: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric3
Outcome Payments 3: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Outcome Payments 3: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Outcome Payments 3: Type - (Value)Actual
Outcome Payments 3: Payments - Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Payments 3: Payments - Amount - (Value)20020
Outcome Payments 3: Payments - Amount USD - (Value)16216.2
Outcome Payments 4: Outcome Payment Plan Id - (Value)plan1
Outcome Payments 4: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric4
Outcome Payments 4: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Outcome Payments 4: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Outcome Payments 4: Type - (Value)Actual
Outcome Payments 4: Payments - Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Payments 4: Payments - Amount - (Value)19140
Outcome Payments 4: Payments - Amount USD - (Value)15503.4
Outcome Payments 5: Outcome Payment Plan Id - (Value)plan1
Outcome Payments 5: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric5
Outcome Payments 5: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Outcome Payments 5: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Outcome Payments 5: Type - (Value)Actual
Outcome Payments 5: Payments - Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Payments 5: Payments - Amount - (Value)21780
Outcome Payments 5: Payments - Amount USD - (Value)17641.8
Outcome Payments 6: Outcome Payment Plan Id - (Value)plan1
Outcome Payments 6: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric6
Outcome Payments 6: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Outcome Payments 6: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Outcome Payments 6: Type - (Value)Actual
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Outcome Payments 7: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
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Outcome Payments 8: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
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Outcome Payments 9: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Outcome Payments 9: Type - (Value)Actual
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Outcome Payments 10: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
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Outcome Payments 11: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
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Outcome Payments 11: Payments - Amount USD - (Value)11493.9
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Outcome Payments 12: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
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Outcome Payments 13: Outcome Payment Plan Id - (Value)plan1
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Outcome Payments 13: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Outcome Payments 13: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Outcome Payments 13: Type - (Value)Actual
Outcome Payments 13: Payments - Currency - (Value)GBP
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Outcome Payments 14: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Outcome Payments 14: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Outcome Payments 14: Type - (Value)Actual
Outcome Payments 14: Payments - Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Payments 15: Outcome Payment Plan Id - (Value)plan1
Outcome Payments 15: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric15
Outcome Payments 15: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Outcome Payments 15: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Outcome Payments 15: Type - (Value)Actual
Outcome Payments 15: Payments - Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Payments 16: Outcome Payment Plan Id - (Value)plan1
Outcome Payments 16: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric16
Outcome Payments 16: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Outcome Payments 16: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Outcome Payments 16: Type - (Value)Actual
Outcome Payments 16: Payments - Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Payments 16: Payments - Amount - (Value)2420
Outcome Payments 16: Payments - Amount USD - (Value)1960.2
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Outcome Payments 17: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric17
Outcome Payments 17: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Outcome Payments 17: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Outcome Payments 17: Type - (Value)Actual
Outcome Payments 17: Payments - Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Payments 17: Payments - Amount - (Value)4400
Outcome Payments 17: Payments - Amount USD - (Value)3564
Outcome Payments 18: Outcome Payment Plan Id - (Value)plan1
Outcome Payments 18: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric18
Outcome Payments 18: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Outcome Payments 18: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Outcome Payments 18: Type - (Value)Actual
Outcome Payments 18: Payments - Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Payments 18: Payments - Amount - (Value)5610
Outcome Payments 18: Payments - Amount USD - (Value)4544.1
Outcome Payments 19: Outcome Payment Plan Id - (Value)plan1
Outcome Payments 19: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric19
Outcome Payments 19: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Outcome Payments 19: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Outcome Payments 19: Type - (Value)Actual
Outcome Payments 19: Payments - Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Payments 19: Payments - Amount - (Value)48180
Outcome Payments 19: Payments - Amount USD - (Value)39025.8
Outcome Payments 20: Outcome Payment Plan Id - (Value)plan1
Outcome Payments 20: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric20
Outcome Payments 20: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Outcome Payments 20: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Outcome Payments 20: Type - (Value)Actual
Outcome Payments 20: Payments - Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Payments 20: Payments - Amount - (Value)176000
Outcome Payments 20: Payments - Amount USD - (Value)142560
Outcome Payments 21: Outcome Payment Plan Id - (Value)plan1
Outcome Payments 21: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric21
Outcome Payments 21: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Outcome Payments 21: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Outcome Payments 21: Type - (Value)Actual
Outcome Payments 21: Payments - Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Payments 21: Payments - Amount - (Value)148500
Outcome Payments 21: Payments - Amount USD - (Value)120285
Outcome Payments 22: Outcome Payment Plan Id - (Value)plan1
Outcome Payments 22: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric22
Outcome Payments 22: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Outcome Payments 22: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Outcome Payments 22: Type - (Value)Actual
Outcome Payments 22: Payments - Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Payments 22: Payments - Amount - (Value)126500
Outcome Payments 22: Payments - Amount USD - (Value)102465
Outcome Payments 23: Outcome Payment Plan Id - (Value)plan1
Outcome Payments 23: Outcome Metric Id - (Value)outcomemetric23
Outcome Payments 23: Period - Start - (Value)2018-10
Outcome Payments 23: Period - End - (Value)2022-10
Outcome Payments 23: Type - (Value)Actual
Outcome Payments 23: Payments - Currency - (Value)GBP
Outcome Payments 23: Payments - Amount - (Value)90750
Outcome Payments 23: Payments - Amount USD - (Value)73507.5

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