
Impact Bond Name - (Value)Social Hospital Health Impact Bond
Stage of Development - (Value)Implementation
Dates - Date outcomes contract signed - (Value)2017-01
Dates - (Source ID's)source1
Purpose and classifications - Intervention - (Value)The objective is to help 250 families in the next five years with better and cheaper plans for solving their problems. With this customized approach, families take care of themselves in control to permanently improve their situation. The starting point is the creation of a means of subsistence, which means, among other things, that the problematic debt situation is primarily resolved.
Purpose and classifications - Policy sector - (Value)Health
Purpose and classifications - (Source ID's)source1
Service and beneficiaries - Target population - (Value)250 families with multiple/complex problems, such as debt, psychological problems, judicial contacts, parenting problems and/or health problems.
Service and beneficiaries - Targeted number of unique service users or beneficiaries (total) - (Value)250
Service and beneficiaries - (Source ID's)source4
Delivery Locations 1: Location - Name - (Value)The Hague, The Netherlands
Delivery Locations 1: Location - Country - (Value)NL
Delivery Locations 1: Lat/Lng - Lat - (Value)52.078603
Delivery Locations 1: Lat/Lng - Lng - (Value)4.262578
Sources 1: Idsource1
Sources 1: Name - (Value)Social Impact 2019 Article on Webpage (Dutch) accessed 27 July 2019
Sources 2: Idsource2
Sources 2: Name - (Value)Social Impact 2019 Article on Webpage (Dutch) accessed 27 July 2019. Also, HIBLab Webpage (Dutch) accessed 27 July 2019
Sources 3: Idsource3
Sources 3: Name - (Value)Sociaal Hopsitaal Factsheet / Infographc (Dutch) accessed 27 July 2019
Sources 4: Idsource4
Sources 4: Name - (Value)HIBLab Webpage (Dutch) accessed 27 July 2019
Service Provisions 1: Idserviceprovision1
Service Provisions 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-1012
Outcome Payment Commitments 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-1014
Outcome Payment Commitments 1: Maximum potential Outcome payment - Currency - (Value)EUR
Outcome Payment Commitments 1: Maximum potential Outcome payment - Amount - (Value)1300000
Investments 1: Idinvestment1
Investments 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-1015
Intermediary services 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0684
Intermediary services 2: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-1013
Intermediary services 2: Organisation Role Category - (Value)Other
Intermediary services 2: Other Role Description - (Value)Financial knowledge partner
Intermediary services 3: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-1242
Intermediary services 3: Organisation Role Category - (Value)Other
Intermediary services 3: Other Role Description - (Value)Financial knowledge partner
Outcome Metrics 1: Idoutcomemetric1
Outcome Metrics 1: Outcome Definition - (Value)Savings to insurance.
Outcome Metrics 1: Targeted number of service users Or beneficiaries (total) - (Value)250
Outcome Metrics 1: Primary SDG goal - (Value)3
Outcome Metrics 1: Primary SDG target - (Value)3.8

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