
Impact Bond Name - (Value)The Youth CONNECT Social Benefit Bond (Queensland)
Stage of Development - (Value)Implementation
Dates - Date outcomes contract signed - (Value)2017-06
Dates - (Source ID's)source2
Overall project finance - Total investment commitment - Currency - (Value)AUD
Overall project finance - Total investment commitment - Amount - Exact - (Value)5000000
Overall project finance - Total investment commitment - Amount USD - Exact - (Value)3832128.031
Purpose and classifications - Intervention - (Value)The Youth CONNECT SBB provides support for young people aged 15-25 exiting statutory care and at risk of homelessness. The ‘housing first’ approach recognises the importance of stable and secure housing to prevent immediate homelessness and provide a sense of safety — giving the young person an opportunity to focus on other important life-building skills. Participants are supported through the delivery of a comprehensive case management framework built on therapeutic and practical strategies and actions. The programme aims to help young care leavers enjoy better living conditions, enhanced participation in education and the workforce, better mental health outcomes, stronger personal relationships and improved social integration.
Purpose and classifications - Policy sector - (Value)Homelessness
Purpose and classifications - (Source ID's)source7,source1
Service and beneficiaries - Target population - (Value)Young people aged 15 to 18 years exiting the child protection system who have had four or more placements. Young people aged 15 to 25 years exiting the youth justice system, adult corrections system or in contact with homelessness services, who have past experience with the child protection system.
Service and beneficiaries - (Source ID's)source8
Delivery Locations 1: Location - Name - (Value)Townsville, South East Queensland, Australia
Delivery Locations 1: Location - Country - (Value)AU
Delivery Locations 1: Lat/Lng - Lat - (Value)-27.466156
Delivery Locations 1: Lat/Lng - Lng - (Value)153.100209
Sources 1: Idsource1
Sources 1: Name - (Value)Queensland Treasury Youth CONNECT Social Benefit Bond, 2018 accessed on 27/07/2019 at
Sources 2: Idsource2
Sources 2: Name - (Value)Inferred from Churches of Christ in Queensland Youth CONNECT Social Benefit Bond Information Memorandum, N.D. p. 22 accessed on 27/07/2019 at
Sources 3: Idsource3
Sources 3: Name - (Value)Churches of Christ in Queensland Youth CONNECT Social Benefit Bond Information Memorandum, N.D. p. 34 accessed on 27/07/2019 at
Sources 4: Idsource4
Sources 4: Name - (Value)Queensland Treasury Youth CONNECT Social Benefit Bond, 2018 accessed on 27/07/2019 at See also Westpac Media Release 2017 accessed on 04/08/2019 at
Sources 5: Idsource5
Sources 5: Name - (Value)Churches of Christ in Queensland Youth CONNECT Social Benefit Bond Information Memorandum, N.D. p. 4 accessed on 27/07/2019 at
Sources 6: Idsource6
Sources 6: Name - (Value)Churches of Christ in Queensland Youth CONNECT Social Benefit Bond Information Memorandum, N.D. p. 26 accessed on 27/07/2019 at
Sources 7: Idsource7
Sources 7: Name - (Value)Queensland Treasury Youth CONNECT Social Benefit Bond, 2018 accessed on 27/07/2019 at and PeakCare Youth CONNECT - one of Queensland's Social Benefit Bonds, 2018 accessed on 27/07/2019 at
Sources 8: Idsource8
Sources 8: Name - (Value)Churches of Christ in Queensland Youth CONNECT Social Benefit Bond Information Memorandum, N.D. p. 10 accessed on 27/07/2019 at
Sources 9: Idsource9
Sources 9: Name - (Value)Churches of Christ in Queensland Youth CONNECT Social Benefit Bond Information Memorandum, N.D. p. 11 accessed on 27/07/2019 at
Sources 10: Idsource12
Sources 10: Name - (Value)Churches of Christ in Queensland Youth CONNECT Social Benefit Bond Information Memorandum, N.D. p. 9 accessed on 27/07/2019 at
Sources 11: Idsourcehackandlearn2020
Sources 11: Name - (Value)Hack and Learn - September 2020
Service Provisions 1: Idserviceprovision1
Service Provisions 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0934
Outcome Payment Commitments 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0614
Intermediary services 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0935
Intermediary services 2: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0568
Outcome Metrics 1: Idoutcomemetric1
Outcome Metrics 1: Outcome Definition - (Value)Housing stability. Maintaining continuous stable accommodation for 6 months
Outcome Metrics 1: Primary SDG goal - (Value)11
Outcome Metrics 1: Primary SDG target - (Value)11.1
Outcome Metrics 2: Idoutcomemetric2
Outcome Metrics 2: Outcome Definition - (Value)Employment stability. 12 months continuous employment.
Outcome Metrics 2: Primary SDG goal - (Value)8
Outcome Metrics 2: Primary SDG target - (Value)8.6
Outcome Metrics 3: Idoutcomemetric3
Outcome Metrics 3: Outcome Definition - (Value)Education stability. 12 months continuous education.
Outcome Metrics 3: Primary SDG goal - (Value)4
Outcome Metrics 3: Primary SDG target - (Value)4.1
Outcome Metrics 4: Idoutcomemetric4
Outcome Metrics 4: Outcome Definition - (Value)Personal development. 12 months continuous personal development.
Outcome Metrics 4: Primary SDG goal - (Value)3
Outcome Metrics 4: Primary SDG target - (Value)3.4

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