
Fund - NameLOGRA Colombian Outcomes Fund
Fund - Host institution of Outcome FundINDIGO-ORG-1052
Fund - MechanismThe Colombian Outcomes Fund aims to increase employment by exploring payment by results and impact bond financing mechanisms. The fund invites intermediary organisations to identify and work with service providers and investors to develop project proposals.
Fund - Dates - Expression of interest - (Value)2020-01
Fund - Purpose and classifications - PurposeThe Colombian Outcomes Fund aims to increase employment in the formal sector in Colombia through outcomes-based commissioning
Fund - Purpose and classifications - Primary SDG goal8
Fund - Purpose and classifications - Secondary SDG goals8
Fund - Dimensions of Scale - Total Outcome Fund value (outcomes funding) - CurrencyCOP
Fund - Dimensions of Scale - Total Outcome Fund value (outcomes funding) - Aspiration - Amount - (Value)17560000000
Fund - Dimensions of Scale - Total Outcome Fund value (outcomes funding) - Aspiration - Amount USD - (Value)5287930
Fund - CountryColombia
Fund - Geographic area for outcome payment 1: Country - (Value)CO

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