
Fund - NameEgalité des chances économiques - France
Fund - Host institution of Outcome FundINDIGO-ORG-1200
Fund - MechanismThe Fund has been created under the Lavenir (2019) national framework supporting the use of Contracts à Impact (the French equivalent of Social Impact Bonds) to promote innovation and prevention in social and environmental policies. These contracts are not intended to replace existing effective provision, but to complement it to provide additional, innovative programmes. The call for proposals also emphasised the importance of involving local stakeholders.
Fund - Dates - Expression of interest - (Value)2020-11
Fund - Purpose and classifications - PurposeThe Egalité des chanches économiques is an outcome funds supported by the French Ministry of social economy, solidarity and responsability to promote inclusive economic opportunities, with particular attention to access to employment, access to entrepreneurial opportunities and access to financial services.
Fund - Purpose and classifications - Secondary SDG goals8,10,17
Fund - Dimensions of Scale - Total Outcome Fund value (outcomes funding) - CurrencyEUR
Fund - Dimensions of Scale - Total Outcome Fund value (outcomes funding) - Aspiration - Amount - (Value)10000000
Fund - Dimensions of Scale - Total Outcome Fund value (outcomes funding) - Aspiration - Amount USD - (Value)11779000
Fund - CountryFrance
Fund - Geographic area for outcome payment 1: Country - (Value)FR
Fund - Documents 1: TitlePress release: The government launches a call for projects for impact contracts around equal economic opportunities
Fund - Documents 1: URLégalité%20des%20chances%20économiques.pdf

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