
Impact Bond Name - (Value)Entrenched Rough Sleeping Social Impact Bond- Newcastle and Gateshead
Alternative Names - (Value)Five Bridges Changing Lives
Stage of Development - (Value)Complete
Dates - Start date of service provision - (Value)2017-12
Dates - (Source ID's)source4
Overall project finance - Total investment commitment - Currency - (Value)GBP
Overall project finance - Total investment commitment - Amount - Exact - (Value)400000
Overall project finance - Total investment commitment - Amount USD - Exact - (Value)514815.9644
Overall project finance - Maximum potential outcome payment - Currency - (Value)GBP
Overall project finance - Maximum potential outcome payment - Amount - (Value)1500000
Overall project finance - Maximum potential outcome payment - Amount USD - (Value)1930559.867
Purpose and classifications - Intervention - (Value)The initiative will help get people off the streets and into stable, long-term accommodation as part of the Department for Communities and Local Government’s Homelessness Prevention Programme. Working alongside other support services in the area, Changing Lives uses an asset-based approach that will bring the separate organisations together to the maximum benefit of the individual. There are 5 proposed service elements include: 1) Multi-disciplinary team –therapeutic skills 2) Housing First 3) Access to dedicated supported accommodation 4) Learning framework – reflective practice to collectively respond to obstacles to inclusion 5) Values – elastic tolerance & unconditional positive regard
Purpose and classifications - Policy sector - (Value)Homelessness
Purpose and classifications - (Source ID's)source10,source3
Service and beneficiaries - Target population - (Value)Cohort of single adults who are homeless and who have a history of rough sleeping or have been interacting with hostel services over the last 3 years or more.
Service and beneficiaries - Targeted number of unique service users or beneficiaries (total) - (Value)185
Service and beneficiaries - Unit type of targeted service users or beneficiaries - (Value)Individual
Service and beneficiaries - Actual number of unique service users or beneficiaries engaged (total) - (Value)185
Service and beneficiaries - (Source ID's)source11
Outcome Funds 1: IdINDIGO-FUND-0016
Delivery Locations 1: Location - Name - (Value)Newcastle and Gateshead, United Kingdom
Delivery Locations 1: Location - Country - (Value)GB
Delivery Locations 1: Lat/Lng - Lat - (Value)54.973052
Delivery Locations 1: Lat/Lng - Lng - (Value)-1.610169
Sources 1: Idsource1
Sources 1: Name - (Value)(Newcastle County Council, 2018) Newcastle Homelessness Prevention Briefing 2017-18 Q3 Page 15:
Sources 2: Idsource2
Sources 2: Name - (Value)(Newcastle City Council, 2019) Homelessness prevention in Newcastle: Examining the role of the 'local state' in the context of austerity and welfare reforms. Page 77:
Sources 3: Idsource3
Sources 3: Name - (Value)(Changing Lives website, accessed on 23 Aug 2019) Changing Lives receives funding from the Big Issue to tackle homelessness in Newcastle and Gateshead:
Sources 4: Idsource4
Sources 4: Name - (Value)(Inside Housing website, accessed on 23 Aug 2019)
Sources 5: Idsource5
Sources 5: Name - (Value)(Big Issue Invest website, accessed on 23 Aug 2019) Big Issue Invest: Outcomes fund begins with the homeless and vulnerable and (Changing Lives website, accessed on 23 Aug 2019) Changing Lives receives funding from the Big Issue to tackle homelessness in Newcastle and Gateshead:
Sources 6: Idsource6
Sources 6: Name - (Value) and
Sources 7: Idsource7
Sources 7: Name - (Value)(Chronicle Live website, accessed on 23 Aug 2019) We need a new way to tackle homelessness - and we need it to be the Newcastle way
Sources 8: Idsource8
Sources 8: Name - (Value)(Big Issue Invest website, accessed on 23 Aug 2019) Big Issue Invest: Outcomes fund begins with the homeless and vulnerable
Sources 9: Idsource9
Sources 9: Name - (Value)(Newcastle County Council, 2018) Newcastle Homelessness Prevention Briefing 2017-18 Q3 Page 16:
Sources 10: Idsource10
Sources 10: Name - (Value)(Changing Lives website, accessed on 23 Aug 2019) Changing Lives receives funding from the Big Issue to tackle homelessness in Newcastle and Gateshead: and (Newcastle City Council 2018) Newcastle’s Homelessness Strategy 2014-19 –Action Plan 2014 (Quarter 3, 2017-18 update). Page 16:
Sources 11: Idsource11
Sources 11: Name - (Value)(Newcastle City Council 2018) Newcastle’s Homelessness Strategy 2014-19 –Action Plan 2014 (Quarter 3, 2017-18 update). Page 16:
Sources 12: Idsource12
Sources 12: Name - (Value)(DCLG, 2017) Social Impact Bond Evidence Guidance Pages 5 - 7:$
Sources 13: Idsource14
Sources 13: Name - (Value)Email exchange with Bridges Outcomes Partnership (February 2023)
Service Provisions 1: Idserviceprovision1
Service Provisions 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0378
Service Provisions 2: Idserviceprovision2
Service Provisions 2: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0924
Outcome Payment Commitments 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0925
Outcome Payment Commitments 2: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0926
Outcome Payment Commitments 3: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0088
Outcome Payment Commitments 3: Maximum potential Outcome payment - Amount - (Value)1500000
Investments 1: Idinvestment1
Investments 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0008
Investments 1: Investment Commitment - Currency - (Value)GBP
Investments 1: Investment Commitment - Amount - Exact - (Value)400000
Investments 1: Investment Commitment - Amount USD - Exact - (Value)514815.9644
Outcome Metrics 1: Idoutcomemetric1
Outcome Metrics 1: Outcome Definition - (Value)Accomodation - Entering Accommodation
Outcome Metrics 1: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 1: Targeted number of service users Or beneficiaries (total) - (Value)185
Outcome Metrics 2: Idoutcomemetric2
Outcome Metrics 2: Outcome Definition - (Value)Accomodation - 3 months in accomodation
Outcome Metrics 2: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 3: Idoutcomemetric3
Outcome Metrics 3: Outcome Definition - (Value)Accomodation - 6 months in accomodation
Outcome Metrics 3: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 4: Idoutcomemetric4
Outcome Metrics 4: Outcome Definition - (Value)Accomodation - 12 months in accomodation
Outcome Metrics 4: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 5: Idoutcomemetric5
Outcome Metrics 5: Outcome Definition - (Value)Accomodation - 18 months in accomodation
Outcome Metrics 5: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 6: Idoutcomemetric6
Outcome Metrics 6: Outcome Definition - (Value)Accomodation - 24 months in accomodation
Outcome Metrics 6: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 7: Idoutcomemetric7
Outcome Metrics 7: Outcome Definition - (Value)First Assessment - General Wellbeing Assessment (Better Managed Needs)
Outcome Metrics 7: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 8: Idoutcomemetric8
Outcome Metrics 8: Outcome Definition - (Value)Second Assessment - General Wellbeing Assessment (Better Managed Needs)
Outcome Metrics 8: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 9: Idoutcomemetric9
Outcome Metrics 9: Outcome Definition - (Value)Third Assessment - General Wellbeing Assessment (Better Managed Needs)
Outcome Metrics 9: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 10: Idoutcomemetric10
Outcome Metrics 10: Outcome Definition - (Value)Mental health (MH) entry into engagement with services - Better Managed Needs
Outcome Metrics 10: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 11: Idoutcomemetric11
Outcome Metrics 11: Outcome Definition - (Value)Mental health (MH) sustained engagement with services - Better Managed Needs
Outcome Metrics 11: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 12: Idoutcomemetric12
Outcome Metrics 12: Outcome Definition - (Value)Alcohol misuse entry into alcohol treatment - Better Managed Needs
Outcome Metrics 12: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 13: Idoutcomemetric13
Outcome Metrics 13: Outcome Definition - (Value)Alcohol misuse sustained engagement with alcohol treatment - Better Managed Needs
Outcome Metrics 13: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 14: Idoutcomemetric14
Outcome Metrics 14: Outcome Definition - (Value)Drug misuse entry into drug treatment - Better Managed Needs
Outcome Metrics 14: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 15: Idoutcomemetric15
Outcome Metrics 15: Outcome Definition - (Value)Drug misuse sustained engagement with drug treatment - Better Managed Needs
Outcome Metrics 15: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 16: Idoutcomemetric16
Outcome Metrics 16: Outcome Definition - (Value)Improved education/training (Entry into employment) 1) Self-cert form 2) One of the following: 1. Certificate 2. Trainer letter/email
Outcome Metrics 16: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 17: Idoutcomemetric17
Outcome Metrics 17: Outcome Definition - (Value)Volunteering/self-employed 13 weeks (Entry into employment) 1) Self-cert form 2) Organisation letter/email
Outcome Metrics 17: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 18: Idoutcomemetric18
Outcome Metrics 18: Outcome Definition - (Value)Volunteering/self-employed 26 weeks (Entry into employment)
Outcome Metrics 18: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 19: Idoutcomemetric19
Outcome Metrics 19: Outcome Definition - (Value)Part time work 13 weeks (Entry into employment) 1) Self-cert form 2) One of the following: 1. Contract 2. Payslips 3. Employer letter/email 4. Invoices and remittances
Outcome Metrics 19: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 20: Idoutcomemetric20
Outcome Metrics 20: Outcome Definition - (Value)Part time work 26 weeks (Entry into employment)
Outcome Metrics 20: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 21: Idoutcomemetric21
Outcome Metrics 21: Outcome Definition - (Value)Full time work 13 weeks (Entry into employment)
Outcome Metrics 21: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers
Outcome Metrics 22: Idoutcomemetric22
Outcome Metrics 22: Outcome Definition - (Value)Full time work 26 weeks (Entry into employment)
Outcome Metrics 22: Target Population - (Value)entrenched rough sleepers

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