
Impact Bond Name - (Value)Hachioji City SIB on Increasing the Rate of Residents Receiving Bowel Cancer Screenings
Stage of Development - (Value)Implementation
Dates - Date outcomes contract signed - (Value)2017-03
Dates - Start date of service provision - (Value)2017-07
Dates - (Source ID's)source2,source3
Overall project finance - Total investment commitment - Currency - (Value)Japanese Yen
Overall project finance - Total investment commitment - Amount - Exact - (Value)8874000
Overall project finance - Total investment commitment - Amount USD - Exact - (Value)79114.78379
Purpose and classifications - Intervention - (Value)A project to increase the rate of residents receiving bowel cancer screening. This project recommends relevant Ha-chioji City residents to take bowel cancer screening. AI is used to analyse the medical information of the target group, and postcards carrying customized messages according to the resident’s risk factors are sent.
Purpose and classifications - Policy sector - (Value)Health
Purpose and classifications - (Source ID's)source1
Service and beneficiaries - Target population - (Value)Residents who have not been screened for bowel cancer in the previous fiscal year, a group for whom the rate of bowl cancer examinations is particularly low.
Service and beneficiaries - Targeted number of unique service users or beneficiaries (total) - (Value)12000
Service and beneficiaries - (Source ID's)source1
Delivery Locations 1: Location - Name - (Value)Hachioji City, Japan
Delivery Locations 1: Location - Country - (Value)JP
Delivery Locations 1: Lat/Lng - Lat - (Value)35.660269
Delivery Locations 1: Lat/Lng - Lng - (Value)139.282029
Sources 1: Idsource1
Sources 1: Name - (Value)Social Impact Investment Foundation Annual Report 2017 (SIIF, 2017) Page 13
Sources 2: Idsource2
Sources 2: Name - (Value)The Current State of Impact Investing in Japan 2017 (Global Social Impact Investment Steering Group 2018) Page 2
Sources 3: Idsource3
Sources 3: Name - (Value)The Current State of Impact Investing in Japan 2017 (Global Social Impact Investment Steering Group 2018) Page 3
Sources 4: Idsource4
Sources 4: Name - (Value)"The rise of social impact bonds in Japan" (The Japan Times, accessed on 18/07/2019)
Service Provisions 1: Idserviceprovision1
Service Provisions 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0341
Outcome Payment Commitments 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0777
Outcome Payment Commitments 1: Maximum potential Outcome payment - Amount - (Value)¥9.76 million
Outcome Payment Commitments 1: Total outcome payments made - Amount - (Value)£
Investments 1: Idinvestment1
Investments 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0778
Investments 2: Idinvestment2
Investments 2: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0779
Investments 3: Idinvestment3
Investments 3: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0352
Intermediary services 1: Organisation ID - (Value)INDIGO-ORG-0776
Outcome Metrics 1: Idoutcomemetric1
Outcome Metrics 1: Outcome Definition - (Value)Cancer screenings. Increase in the rate of residents screened.
Outcome Metrics 1: Targeted number of service users Or beneficiaries (total) - (Value)12000
Outcome Metrics 1: Primary SDG goal - (Value)3
Outcome Metrics 1: Primary SDG target - (Value)3.4
Outcome Metrics 2: Idoutcomemetric2
Outcome Metrics 2: Outcome Definition - (Value)Precision examinations. Increase in the rate of residents who underwent precision examinations.
Outcome Metrics 2: Primary SDG goal - (Value)3
Outcome Metrics 2: Primary SDG target - (Value)3.4
Outcome Metrics 3: Idoutcomemetric3
Outcome Metrics 3: Outcome Definition - (Value)Detection of early cancer. Increase in the number of people detected with early cancer.
Outcome Metrics 3: Primary SDG goal - (Value)3
Outcome Metrics 3: Primary SDG target - (Value)3.4

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