ID | INDIGO-JUI-0011 |
Joining Up Initiative - Name - (Value) | Neighbourhood Renewal Fund |
Joining Up Initiative - Dates - Start date of initiative - (Value) | 2001 |
Joining Up Initiative - Lever - (Value) | Funding and fiscal powers |
Joining Up Initiative - Governance model - (Value) | Constrained Discretion |
Joining Up Initiative - Allocation process - (Value) | Needs-based |
Joining Up Initiative - Policy sector 1: (Value) | Cross-cutting |
Joining Up Initiative - Departments 1: Name - (Value) | Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) |
Joining Up Initiative - Headline evaluation URL 1: Title - (Value) | Impacts and Outcomes of the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund |
Joining Up Initiative - Headline evaluation URL 1: URL - (Value) | |
Joining Up Initiative - Other evaluation materials 1: Title - (Value) | Evaluation of the National Strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal |
Joining Up Initiative - Other evaluation materials 1: URL - (Value) | |